Java Reference
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// Code goes here
// We are not expecting any exception
public static void testCase2(){
// Code goes here
The testCase1() method specifies, using the @TestCase annotation, that it will throw an IOException . The test
runner tool will make sure that when it invokes this method, the method does throw an IOException . Otherwise,
it will fail the test case. The testCase2() method does not specify that it will throw an exception. If it throws an
exception when the test is run, the tool should fail this test case.
Enum Type
An annotation can have elements of an enum type. Suppose you want to declare an annotation type called Review that
can describe the code review status of a program element. Let's assume that it has a status element and it can have
one of the four values: PENDING , FAILED , PASSED , and PASSEDWITHCHANGES . You can declare an enum as an annotation
type member. Listing 1-8 shows the code for a Review annotation type.
Listing 1-8. An Annotation Type, Which Uses an enum Type Element
package com.jdojo.annotation;
public @interface Review {
ReviewStatus status() default ReviewStatus.PENDING;
String comments() default "";
// ReviewStatus enum is a member of the Review annotation type
The Review annotation type declares a ReviewStatus enum type and the four review statuses are the elements of
the enum. It has two elements, status and comments . The type of status element is the enum type ReviewStatus . The
default value for the status element is ReviewStatus.PENDING . You have an empty string as the default value for the
comments element.
Here are some of the instances of the Review annotation type. You will need to import the
com.jdojo.annotation.Review.ReviewStatus enum in your program to use the simple name of the ReviewStatus
enum type.
// Have default for status and comments. Maybe code is new
// Leave status as Pending, but add some comments
@Review(comments="Have scheduled code review on June 3 2014")
// Fail the review with comments
@Review(status=ReviewStatus.FAILED, comments="Need to handle errors")
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