Java Reference
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public static void startBalanceMonitorThread() {
// Start a thread that monitors the balance value
Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
while (true) {
Balance changed: 110
A brief description of each component of this class is as follows:
balance : It is a static variable of type int . It is initialized to 100 .
updateBalance() : It is a static method that adds 10 to the static variable balance and
subtracts 10 from it. Upon completion of this method, the value of the static variable balance
is expected to remain the same as 100.
startBalanceUpdateThread() : It starts a new thread that keeps calling the updateBalance()
method in an infinite loop. That is, once you call this method, a thread keeps adding 10 to the
balance variable and subtracting 10 from it.
startBalanceMonitorThread() : It starts a new thread that monitors the value of the balance
static variable. When the thread detects that the value of the balance variable is other than
100 , it prints the current value and exits the program.
main() : This method is used to run the program. It starts a thread that updates the balance
class variable in a loop using the updateBalance() method. It also starts another thread that
monitors the value of the balance class variable.
The program consists of two threads. One thread calls the updateBalance() method, which adds 10 to balance
and subtracts 10 from it. That is, after this method finishes executing, the value of the balance variable is expected to
remain unchanged. Another thread monitors the value of the balance variable. When it detects that the value of the
balance variable is anything other than 100 , it prints the new value and exits the program.
Intuitively, the balance monitor thread should not print anything because the balance should always be 100 and
the program should never end because both threads are using infinite loops. However, that is not the case. If you run
this program, you will find, in a short time, the program prints the balance value other than 100 and exits.
Suppose on a particular machine the statement "balance = balance + 10;" is implemented as the following
machine instructions assuming register-1 as a CPU register:
register-1 = balance;
register-1 = register-1 + 10;
balance = register-1;
Similarly, assume that the statement "balance = balance - 10;" is implemented as the following machine
instructions assuming register-2 as another CPU register:
register-2 = balance;
register-2 = register-2 - 10;
balance = register-2;
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