Java Reference
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This statement uses a lambda expression that represents a function that takes no argument and returns an
int . The body of the expression uses a String object called "Ellen" to invoke the length() instance method of the
String class. You can rewrite this statement using an instance method reference with the "Ellen" object as the bound
receiver using a Supplier<Integer> as the target type as shown:
Supplier<Integer> supplier = "Ellen"::length ;
Consider the following snippet of code to represent a Consumer<String> that takes a String as an argument and
returns void :
Consumer<String> consumer = str -> System.out.println(str);
This lambda expression invokes the println() method on the System.out object. This can be rewritten using a
method reference with System.out as the bound receiver, as shown:
Consumer<String> consumer = System.out::println ;
When the method reference System.out::println is used, the compiler looks at its target type, which is
Consumer<String> that represents a function type that takes a String as an argument and returns void . The compiler
finds a println(String) method in the PrintStream class of the System.out object and uses that method for the
method reference.
As the last example in this category, you will use the method reference System.out::println to print the list of
persons, as shown:
List<Person> list = Person.getPersons();
FunctionUtil.forEach(list, System.out::println );
John Jacobs, MALE, 1975-01-20
Wally Inman, MALE, 1965-09-12
Donna Jacobs, FEMALE, 1970-09-12
Unbound Receiver
For an unbound receiver, use the ClassName::instanceMethod syntax. Consider the following statement in which the
lambda expression takes a Person as an argument and returns a String :
Function<Person, String> fNameFunc = (Person p) -> p.getFirstName() ;
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