Java Reference
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The toBinaryString() method represents a function that takes an int as an argument and returns a String .
You can use it in a lambda expression as shown:
// Using a lambda expression
Function<Integer, String> func1 = x -> Integer.toBinaryString(x);
The compiler infers the type of x as Integer and the return type of the lambda expression as String , by using the
target type Function<Integer, String> . You can rewrite this statement using a static method reference, as shown:
// Using a method reference
Function<Integer, String> func2 = Integer::toBinaryString ;
The compiler finds a static method reference to the toBinaryString() method of the Integer class on the
right-hand side of the assignment operator. The toBinaryString() method takes an int as an argument and returns
a String . The target type of the method reference is a function that takes an Integer as an argument and returns a
String . The compiler verifies that after unboxing the Integer argument type of the target type to int , the method
reference and target type are assignment compatible.
Consider another static method sum() in the Integer class:
static int sum(int a, int b)
The method reference would be Integer::sum . Let's use it in the same way you used the toBinaryString()
method in the above example.
Function<Integer, Integer> func2 = Integer::sum; // A compile-time error
The compiler generates the following error message when you compile this code:
Error: incompatible types: invalid method reference
Function<Integer, Integer> func2 = Integer::sum;
method sum in class Integer cannot be applied to given types
required: int,int
found: Integer
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
The error message is stating that the method reference Integer::sum is not assignment compatible with the
target type Function<Integer, Integer> . The sum(int, int) method takes two int arguments whereas the target
type takes only one Integer argument. The mismatch in the number of arguments caused the compile-time error.
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