Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In Java, you can convert an object to a stream of bytes and restore the object back later. This is called serialization .
A class must implement the marker interface for its objects to be serialized. If you want a
lambda expression to be serialized, you will need to use a cast with an intersection type. The following statement
assigns a lambda expression to a variable of the Serializable interface:
Serializable ser = (Serializable & Adder) (x, y) -> x + y;
i will cover the Serializable interface and serialization of objects in Chapter 7.
Commonly Used Functional Interfaces
Java 8 has added many frequently used functional interfaces in the package java.util.function . They are
listed in Table 5-2 .
Table 5-2. List of Functional Interfaces Declared in the Package java.util.function
Interface Name
R apply(T t)
Represents a function that takes an argument of type T
and returns a result of type R .
R apply(T t, U u)
Represents a function that takes two arguments of types T
and U , and returns a result of type R .
boolean test(T t)
In mathematics, a predicate is a boolean-valued function
that takes an argument and returns true or false. The
function represents a condition that returns true or false
for the specified argument.
boolean test(T t, U u)
Represents a predicate with two arguments.
void accept(T t)
Represents an operation that takes an argument, operates
on it to produce some side effects, and returns no result.
void accept(T t, U u)
Represents an operation that takes two arguments,
operates on them to produce some side effects, and
returns no result.
T get()
Represents a supplier that returns a value.
T apply(T t)
Inherits from Function<T,T>. R epresents a function that
takes an argument and returns a result of the same type.
T apply(T t1, T t2)
Inherits from BiFunction<T,T,T> . Represents a function
that takes two arguments of the same type and returns a
result of the same.
Table 5-2 shows only the generic versions of the functional interfaces. Several specialized versions of these
interfaces exist. They have been specialized for frequently used primitive data types; for example, IntConsumer is a
specialized version of Consumer<T> . Some interfaces in the table contain convenience default and static methods.
The table lists only the abstract method, not the default and static methods.
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