Java Reference
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
// Other code goes here
List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList("A", "B");
List<Integer> list2 = Arrays.asList(9, 19, 1969);
Consider the following statement that uses the diamond operator:
List<String> list3 = new ArrayList<>(list1); // Inferred type is String
The compiler used the constructor argument list1 to infer the type. The static type of list1 is List<String> ,
so the type String was inferred by the compiler. The above statement compiles fine. The compiler did not use the
left-hand side of the assignment operator, List<String> list3 , during the inference process. You may not trust this
argument. Consider the following statement to prove this:
List<String> list4 = new ArrayList<>(list2); // A compile-time error
Compiling the above statement generates the following error:
required: List<String>
found: ArrayList<Integer>
1 error
Do you believe it now? The constructor argument is list2 whose static type is List<Integer> . The compiler
inferred the type as Integer and replaced ArrayList<> by ArrayList<Integer> . The type of list4 is List<String> ,
which is not assignment-compatible with the ArrayList<Integer> , which resulted in the compile-time error.
Consider the following statement:
List<String> list5 = new ArrayList<>(); // Inferred type is String
This time, there is no constructor argument. The compiler uses the second step to look at the left-hand side of the
assignment operator to infer the type. On the left-hand side, it finds List<String> and it correctly infers the type as
String . Consider a process() method that is declared as follows:
public static void process(List<String> list) {
// Code goes here
The following statement makes a call to the process() method, which might generate a compile-time error:
// The inferred type is Object in Java 7, and String in Java 8 and later
process(new ArrayList<>());
The above statement generates the following compile-time error in Java 7. It will compile fine in Java 8 as Java
designers have been trying to make the compiler smarter a little bit at time!
required: List<String>
found: ArrayList<Object>
1 error
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