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Lower-Bounded Wildcards
Specifying a lower-bound wildcard is the opposite of specifying an upper-bound wildcard. The syntax for using a
lower-bound wildcard is <? super T> , which means “anything that is a supertype of T .” Let's add another method to
the WrapperUtil class. You will call the new method copy() and it will copy the value from a source wrapper object to
a destination wrapper object. Here is the first attempt. The <T> is the formal type parameter for the copy() method. It
specifies that the source and dest parameters must be of the same type.
public class WrapperUtil {
public static <T> void copy(Wrapper<T> source, Wrapper<T> dest) {
T value = source.get();
Copying the content of a Wrapper<String> to a Wrapper<Object> using your copy() method will not work.
Wrapper<Object> objectWrapper = new Wrapper<Object>(new Object());
Wrapper<String> stringWrapper = new Wrapper<String>("Hello");
WrapperUtil.copy(stringWrapper, objectWrapper); // A compile-time error
The above code will generate a compile-time error because the copy() method requires the source and the dest
arguments be of the same type. However, for all practical purposes a String is always an Object . Here, you need to
use a lower-bounded wildcard, as shown:
public class WrapperUtil {
// New definition of the copy() method
public static <T> void copy(Wrapper<T> source, Wrapper<? super T> dest){
T value = source.get();
Now you are saying that the dest argument of the copy() method could be either T , same as source , or any of its
supertype. You can use the copy() method to copy the contents of a Wrapper<String> to a Wrapper<Object> as shown
below. Since Object is the supertype of String, the new copy() method will work. However, you cannot use it to copy
from an Object type wrapper to a String type wrapper, as an Object is a String is not always true.
Wrapper<Object> objectWrapper = new Wrapper<Object>(new Object());
Wrapper<String> stringWrapper = new Wrapper<String>("Hello");
WrapperUtil.copy(stringWrapper, objectWrapper); // OK with the new copy() method
Listing 4-3 shows the complete code for the WrapperUtil class.
Listing 4-3. A WrapperUtil Utility Class That Works with Wrapper Objects
package com.jdojo.generics;
public class WrapperUtil {
public static void printDetails(Wrapper<?> gw) {
// Can assign get() return value to Object
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