Java Reference
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Unbounded Wildcards
As usual, let's start with an example. It will help you understand the need for as well as the use of wildcards in generic
types. Let's build a utility class for the Wrapper class. Call it WrapperUtil . Add a utility method called printDetails()
to this class, which will take an object of the Wrapper <T> class. How should you define the argument of this method?
The following is the first attempt:
public class WrapperUtil {
public static void printDetails(Wrapper<Object> wrapper){
// More code goes here
Since your printDetails() method is supposed to print details about a Wrapper of any type, Object as parameter
type seemed to be more suitable. Let's use your new printDetails() method, as shown:
Wrapper<Object> objectWrapper = new Wrapper<Object>(new Object());
WrapperUtil.printDetails(objectWrapper); // OK
Wrapper<String> stringWrapper = new Wrapper<String>("Hello");
WrapperUtil.printDetails(stringWrapper); // A compile-time error
The compile-time error is as follows:
error: method printDetails in class WrapperUtil cannot be applied to given types;
WrapperUtil.printDetails(stringWrapper); // A compile-time error
required: Wrapper<Object>
found: Wrapper<String>
reason: argument mismatch; Wrapper<String> cannot be converted to Wrapper<Object>
1 error
You are able to call the printDetails() method with the Wrapper<Object> type, but not with the
Wrapper<String> type because they are not assignment compatible, which is contradictory to what your intuition
tells you. To understand it fully, you need to know about the wildcard type in generics. A wildcard type is denoted by a
question mark, as in <?> . For a generic type, a wildcard type is what an Object type is for a raw type. You can assign a
generic of known type to a generic of wildcard type. Here is the sample code:
// Wrapper of String type
Wrapper<String> stringWrapper = new Wrapper<String>("Hi");
// You can assign a Wrapper<String> to Wrapper<?> type
Wrapper<?> wildCardWrapper = stringWrapper;
The question mark in a wildcard generic type (e.g., <?>) denotes an unknown type. When you declare a
parameterized type using a wildcard (means unknown) as a parameter type, it means that it does not know about its type.
// wildCardWrapper has unknown type
Wrapper<?> wildCardWrapper;
// Better to name it as an unknownWrapper
Wrapper<?> unknownWrapper;
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