Java Reference
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You cannot pass an Integer to the set() method. The compiler will generate an error. If you want to use the
Wrapper class to store an Integer , your code will be as follows:
Wrapper<Integer> idWrapper = new Wrapper<Integer>(new Integer(101));
idWrapper.set(new Integer(897)); // OK to pass an Integer
Integer id = idWrapper.get();
// A compile-time error. You can use idWrapper only wth an Integer.
Assuming that a Person class exists that contains a constructor with two parameters, you store a Person object in
Wrapper as follows:
Wrapper<Person> personWrapper = new Wrapper<Person>(new Person(1, "Chris"));
personWrapper.set(new Person(2, "Laynie"));
Person laynie = personWrapper.get();
The parameter that is specified in the type declaration is called a formal type parameter ; for example, T is a formal
type parameter in the Wrapper<T> class declaration. When you replace the formal type parameter with the actual type
(e.g. in Wrapper<String> you replace the formal type parameter T with String ), it is called a parameterized type .
A reference type in Java, which accepts one or more type parameters, is called a generic type. A generic type is mostly
implemented in the compiler. The JVM has no knowledge of a generic type. All actual type parameters are erased
during compile time using a process known as erasure . Compile-time type-safety is the benefit that you get when you
use a parameterized generic type in your code without the need to use casts.
Supertype-Subtype Relationship
Now, let's play a trick. The following code creates two parameterized instances of the Wrapper<T> class, one for the
String type and one for the Object type:
Wrapper<String> stringWrapper = new Wrapper<String>("Hello");
stringWrapper.set("a string");
Wrapper<Object> objectWrapper = new Wrapper<Object>(new Object());
objectWrapper.set(new Object()); // set another object
// Use a String object with objectWrapper
objectWrapper.set("a string"); // ok
It is fine to store a String object in objectWrapper . After all, if you intended to store an Object in objectWrapper ,
a String is also an Object .
Is the following assignment allowed?
objectWrapper = stringWrapper;
No, the above assignment is not allowed. That is, Wrapper<String> is not assignment compatible to
Wrapper<Object> . To understand why this assignment is not allowed, let's assume for a moment that it was allowed.
You would be able to write code like the following:
// Now objectWrapper points to stringWrapper
objectWrapper = stringWrapper;
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