Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 4
In this chapter, you will learn
What generics are
How to define generic types, methods, and constructors
How to define bounds for type parameters
How to use wildcards as the actual type parameters
How the compiler infers the actual type parameters for generic type uses
Generics and their limitations in array creations
How the incorrect use of generics may lead to heap pollution
What Are Generics?
Generics let you write true polymorphic code, which is code that works with any type. Please refer to Chapter 1 in
the topic Beginning Java Fundamentals (ISBN 978-1-4302-6652-5) for more details on polymorphism and writing
polymorphic code.
Let's discuss a simple example before I define what generics are and what they do for us. Suppose you want to
create a new class whose sole job is to store a reference to any type, where “any type” means any reference type.
Let's call this class ObjectWrapper , as shown in Listing 4-1.
Listing 4-1. A Wrapper Class to Store a Reference of Any Type
package com.jdojo.generics;
public class ObjectWrapper {
private Object ref;
public ObjectWrapper(Object ref) {
this.ref = ref;
public Object get() {
return ref;
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