Graphics Programs Reference
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select As you can guess, InfraWorks models can become very sophisticated
and complex with lots of elements. Having multiple and strategic ways to select
things can be very useful. The Select toolbar consists of the following tools:
Zoom to selected Select an object in the model, then use
this tool to zoom to it. There are ways to select objects that do
not require you to click them so this can be a useful tool to spa-
tially locate something that you've selected based on one of its
Clear selected This tool clears any selections that you've made
in the model.
select This tool activates select mode. See the discussion on
select mode and edit mode in the previous section entitled “The
Utility Bar.”
window select With this tool you draw a rectangle in the draw-
ing by clicking to pick the first corner and dragging to the second.
Anything partially or fully inside the rectangle is selected. If you
are familiar with AutoCAD, this is very much like selecting with a
crossing window.
rectangular select With this tool you pick three points: the
first defines one corner of a rectangle, the second the direction of
one side, and the third (double-click) the opposing corner. Only
objects that are totally inside the rectangle are selected.
Polygon select With polygon select you draw a shape by picking
as many points as you want. Objects completely inside that shape
are selected. You double-click the last point to indicate that you're
finished drawing the shape.
radius select With this tool you pick two points: a center
point and a point on the edge of a circle. For the second point, you
double-click to end the selection. Everything entirely inside the
circle is selected.
select by filter This tool opens the Create an Attribute Filter
dialog where you can configure a query that will determine your
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