Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The Scenarios panel has a series of icons across the top. The following is a
summary of how each icon functions:
Add A new scenario This creates a new scenario and opens the Scenario
Editor asset card.
delete scenario This removes the scenario that you've selected in the
Scenarios panel.
edit scenario This opens the Scenario Editor asset card where you can con-
figure the scenario.
duplicate scenario This makes a copy of the scenario you have selected in
the Scenarios panel.
Zoom to extents of scenario Each scenario has its own extents. This tool
will zoom the model based on the extents of the scenario you've selected in the
Scenarios panel.
edit Area of Interest This tool will display the gizmos for the current area of
interest for the selected scenario. You can use the gizmos to edit the boundary
of the area of interest.
open In web Browser Once your scenario has been published, you can
use this tool to launch your default web browser and go to the location of the
email urL If you plan to share the link to your scenario with someone, you
can use this tool to launch your email program and quickly send that link to the
recipients of your choice.
the scenario editor Asset Card
If you are configuring a new scenario or editing an existing one, you will use the
Scenario Editor asset card. This card is arranged in four sections. Each one is
summarized here:
name & Proposal This section of the panel is where you provide some gen-
eral information about the scenario.
name Use this location to enter a name for your scenario. You
may have multiple scenarios in the same model, so choose a name
that is an effective identifier.
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