Graphics Programs Reference
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Can a Model be disconnected?
What if after publishing a model you no longer want to save your changes to
the cloud version? What if you would like to keep your own copy of the model to
yourself and make your own changes without affecting the group? The answer
is simple. You will find a Disconnect Model command within the Settings and
Utilities functions. When you execute this command, your local copy of the model
severs its association with the online version. Keep in mind, though, that there
is no way to “re-connect.” You can publish the model again, but it will exist as a
separate instance, and you will be the only one connected to it.
exercise 8.2: Publish Your Model
In this exercise, you will publish the Bimsville Bypass model to the group you
created in the previous exercise. You need to complete Exercise 8.1 before com-
pleting this exercise.
If you haven't already done so, go to the topic's web page at
go/infraworksessentials and download the files for Chapter 8. Unzip the files
to the correct location on your hard drive according to the instructions in the
1. If it is not already open, launch InfraWorks 360.
2. On the Start Page, click Open and browse to C:\InfraWorks Essentials\
Chapter 08\ . Click Ch08 Bimsville Bypass.sqlite and click Open.
3. In the top right of your screen, click the Proposals drop-down list and
select Ex_8_1_to_8_3.
4. Restore the bookmark named Industrial Park.
5. Click the Publish/Synchronize icon at the top left of your screen.
6. In the Publish Model dialog box, for Group, select Bimsville Bypass
Proof of Concept@[your account name].
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