Graphics Programs Reference
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7. Click Add User.
8. In the blank space under User Email, enter an alternate email address
that you have for yourself. If you do not have one, ask a friend or
classmate if you can use theirs.
9. For the newly added email address, under Role, choose Author.
Click OK.
10. Click OK to dismiss the Administer Groups dialog.
You have now created a new group and invited a user to it. If that
user accepts the invitation, there will be two members in your new
group. You have assigned the role of Author to the new group mem-
ber, so that person will be able to modify the models that you share
but will not be able to publish their own.
Publishing Models
Now that you have created a group, you can begin publishing models to your
new group for sharing and collaboration with your group members. Publishing
is actually a simple process. After opening the model, you simply click the
Publish/Synchronize icon at the top left of your InfraWorks window. This will
open the Publish Model dialog where you will choose the group that you would
like to publish to as well as the proposals that you would like to include while
publishing. You can add some publishing notes if any important information
needs to be shared along with the model. Once you've done this, you can click
Publish. FigureĀ 8.7 shows the Publish/Synchronize icon as well as the different
parts of the Publish Model dialog mentioned earlier.
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