Graphics Programs Reference
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fIgure 8.2 Adding a group
Once you have created a group, you add users to the group by clicking Assign
Users To Groups on the Start Page. This opens the Assign Users To Groups dia-
log where you add users by clicking Add User. A blank line will be created where
you can enter the email address of the user you would like to add. You must also
choose a role for the new user. Figure 8.3 shows a new user being added and a
role being selected.
fIgure 8.3 Creating a new user for a group and assigning a role
There are four roles you can choose:
Author An Author can download and work with a published model and pub-
lish changes back to the online version of the model. An Author cannot publish
new models to the group.
Publisher A Publisher can publish, delete, and synchronize models and can
also publish scenarios (scenarios are covered later in this chapter).
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