Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Browse to C:\InfraWorks Essentials\Chapter 01\ and select
Ch01 Bimsville Bypass.sqlite. Click Open.
After a time, the model will open. The amount of time will vary
based on your computer. You are looking at a model of the project
we'll be working on throughout this topic. It's just a glimpse for now,
but don't worry, we'll be spending lots of time in this model soon.
5. Click the close icon in the upper left corner of the InfraWorks screen
to close the model and return to the Start Page.
If you do not see the Collaborate section of the Start Page, you do
not have InfraWorks 360. Skip to step 11 and open the file from your
hard drive as instructed.
6. In the Collaborate section, click Sign In if it is visible. If not, skip to
step 8.
7. Provide the login information for your Autodesk account and click
Sign In. If you do not have an Autodesk account, click Need An
Autodesk ID? and follow the instructions to create one.
Anyone can create an
Autodesk account, and
it 's f free.
8. In the Online Models section, verify that Group is set to Samples@
InfraWorks 360 (see Figure 1.2). If it is not, select that group from the
drop-down list.
fIgure 1.2 Make sure Group is set to Samples@InfraWorks 360.
9. Click the icon for San Francisco City to open the Download As dialog.
10. In the Download As dialog, do the following:
This sample model is
available to anyone
who has InfraWorks
360 installed and has
an Autodesk account.
Set Location to C:\InfraWorks Essentials\.
Click Download.
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