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(Baez et al., 2007). There is evidence that bromelain has a
broad spectrum of activity against intestinal helminths (both
nematodes and cestodes), a quality that reinforces their suit-
ability for development as a much needed novel treatment
against gastrointestinal helminths of humans and livestock
(Stepek et al., 2005, 2007). Bromelain also exerts anti-
inflammatory effects (Fitzhugh et al., 2008; Secor et al.,
2009), and it exhibits potential therapeutic activities against
trauma, inflammation, autoimmune diseases and malignant
disorders (Hale et al., 2005; Secor et al., 2005). Reductions
in the symptoms of both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis
have been reported with bromelain treatment. Stem brome-
lain can be used as an antitumoral (Baez et al., 2007) and in
heart protection because it reduces blood viscosity and pre-
vents the aggregation of blood platelets (Glaser and Hilberg,
2006). Bromelain can be considered an effective therapeu-
tic option for pityriasis lichenoides chronica, a skin disease.
Its efficacy could be related to its anti-inflammatory, im-
munomodulatory, and/or antiviral properties (Massimiliano
et al., 2007).
Bromelain is widely used to treat fever, colds, mouth,
throat, and bronchial infections and in the treatment of
young children diagnosed with acute sinusitis (Braun et al.,
2005). It is also used in vaccine formulations (Baez et al.,
Pineapple is a good source of antioxidants that reduce
the oxidative damage caused by free radicals and chelating
metals, boost the immune system, help fight off infectious
diseases like the cold and flu, and help in the prevention of
diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease,
and arthritis (Ames and Gold, 1991; Liu, 2003).
As a good source of fiber, pineapple not only aids di-
gestion but reduces the risk of heart disease (Wolk et al.,
1999), colorectal cancer (Reddy et al., 1987; Bingham et al.,
2003), and diabetes and promotes weight loss (Howarth
et al., 2001). Pineapple is an excellent source of manganese,
which is an essential cofactor in a number of enzymes im-
portant in energy production and antioxidant defenses, and
acts as a catalyst for breaking down fatty acids and choles-
terol. Manganese also helps to build bones, control blood
sugar, support functions of nerves, retain memory, maintain
emotional stability, and produce sex hormones and sperm.
Without the presence of manganese, thiamine cannot be
processed by the body (Keen et al., 1999; Bae et al., 2010).
Copper plays a key role in bone health because it reduces
bone density loss and thus the risk of osteoporosis. Copper
is also important in reducing free radical damage and in the
absorption of iron (Chan et al., 1998).
In addition, pineapple is a good source of thiamine,
which acts as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions to energy
production, is important in maintaining healthy cardiovas-
cular and nervous system functioning, and plays a vital
role in metabolism of glucose. It is important to consider
that polyphenolic compounds in coffee and tea can inac-
tivate thiamine, compromising thiamine contrition (Lons-
dale, 2006).
Dr. Lobo gratefully acknowledges financial support through
the projects RTA04-171-C2-1 (INIA) and PROMINCA (fi-
nanced by Canary Islands Government and by the European
Fund for Regional Development).
Abdullah H, Rohaya MA, Zaipun MZ. 1985. Effect of mod-
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acid contents in pineapple ( Ananas comosus cv. 'Mauritius')
during storage at low temperature. ASEAN Food J 1: 15-18.
Abdullah H, Rohaya MA, Engku Hasmah EA. 2008. Increas-
ing pineapple fruit resistance to chilling injury during stor-
age by temperature preconditioning. Acta Hort 768: 217-24.
Ahvenainen R. 1996. New approaches in improving the shelf
life of minimally processed fruit and vegetables. Trends
Food Sci Technol 7: 179-87.
Akamine EK, Goo T. 1971. Controlled Atmosphere Storage
of Fresh Pineapples ( Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. 'Smooth
Cayenne'). Research Bulletin 152 . Honolulu: Hawaii Agri-
cultural Experiment Station. 8 p.
Alothman M, Bhat R, Karim AA. 2009. UV radiation-induced
changes of antioxidant capacity of fresh-cut tropical fruits.
Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol 10: 512-16.
Ames BN, Gold LS. 1991. Endogenous mutagens and the
causes of aging and cancer. Mutat Res 250: 3-16.
Anon. 1968. Wholesale Standards for Hawaiian-Grown
Pineapple . Honolulu: Marketing Division, Hawaii Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
Anon. 2003. The Biology and Ecology of Pineapple (Ananas
comosus Va r. Comosus) in Australia . Canberra: Office of
the Gene Technology Regulator. 25 p.
Antoniolli LR, Benedetti BC. 2006. Fluxograma de processa-
mento mınimo de abacaxi Perola ( Ananas comosus (L.) Mer-
ril). In: IV Encontro Nacional sobre Processamento Mınimo
de Frutas e Hortali¸as e I Simp osio Ibero-americano de Veg-
etais Frescos Cortados: Palestras, resumos, fluxogramas e
oficinas . Piracicaba, Brazil: USP/ESALQ. 200 p.
Antoniolli LR, Benedetti BC, de Souza MDM. 2003. Efeito
do cloreto de calcio na qualidade de abacaxi 'Perola' mini-
mamente processado. Pesqui Agropecu Bras 38: 1105-10.
Antoniolli LR, Benedetti BC, Souza-Filho MSM, Borges MF.
2004. Avalia¸ ao da vanilla como agente antimicrobiano em
abacaxi 'Perola' minimamente processado. Cien Tecnol Al-
iment 24: 473-77.
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