Agriculture Reference
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conventional thermal processing where food materials are
processed by nonthermal techniques at ambient tempera-
ture or heat applied in a different way compared to tra-
ditional conduction and convection heating. Novel food
processing technologies aim to provide safe, high-quality
foods (retention of original flavor and color) with desir-
able nutritional and functional properties. More research is
needed for full-scale commercialization of the novel tech-
nologies with respect to process optimization, packaging,
and consumer acceptance.
frequency heat treatments against Mediterranean fruit flies.
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Birla SL, Wang S, Tang J. 2008. Computer simulation of radio
frequency heating of model fruit immersed in water. J Food
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Brody AL. 2011. Advances in microwave pasteurization and
sterilization. Food Technol 2: 83-85.
Butz P, Needs EC, Baron A, Bayer O, Geisel B, Gupta B. 2003.
Consumer attitudes to high pressure food processing. Food
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Casals C, Vinasb I, Landlc A, Picouetc P, Torresa R, Usalla
J. 2010. Application of radio frequency heating to control
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Castro I, Teixeira JA, Salengke S, Sastry SK, Vicente AA.
2003. The influence of field strength, sugar and soli content
on electrical conductivity of strawberry products. J Food
Process Eng 26: 17-29.
Castro I, Teixeira JA, Salengke S, Sastry SK, Vicente AA.
2004. Ohmic heating of strawberry products: Electrical con-
ductivity measurement and ascorbic acid degradation kinet-
ics. Innovat Food Sci Emerg Technol 5: 27-36.
Cendres A, Chemat F, Maingonnat JF, Renard CMG. 2011.
An innovative process for extraction of fruit juice using
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Cheng LH, Soh CY, Liew SC,The FF. 2007. Effects of soni-
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Cinquanta L, Albanese D, Cuccurullo G, Dimatteo M. 2010.
Effect on orange juice of batch pasteurization in an improved
pilot-scale microwave oven. J Food Sci 75: 46-50.
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Cortes C, Esteve MJ, Rodrigo D, Torregrosa F, Frıgola A.
2006. Changes of color and carotenoids contents during
high intensity pulsed electric field treatment in orange juices.
Food Chem Toxicol 44: 1932-39.
Cortes C, Esteve MJ, Frıgola A. 2008. Color of orange juice
treated by high intensity pulsed electric fields during refrig-
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Control 19: 151-58.
Aertsen A, Meersman F, Hendrickx MEG, Vogel RF, Michiels
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Aguilo-Aguayo I, Soliva-Fortuny R, Martın-Belloso O. 2010.
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high pressure treatment on rheological characteristics and
colour of mango pulp. Intl J Food Sci Technol 40: 885-95.
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duction and plan of the topic. In: Ahmed J, Ramaswamy HS,
Kasapis S, Boye JI, editors. Novel Food Processing: Effects
on Rheological and Functional Properties. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press. p 1-21.
Alothman M, Bhat R, Karim AA. 2009. UV radiation-induced
changes of antioxidant capacity of fresh-cut tropical fruits.
Innovat Food Sci Emerg Technol 10: 512-16.
Barbosa-Canovas GV, Pothakamury UR, Palou E, Swanson
BG. 1998. Nonthermal Preservation of Foods. New York:
Marcel Dekker. 276 p.
Basak S, Ramaswamy HS. 1996. Ultra high pressure treatment
of orange juice: A kinetic study on inactivation of PME.
Food Res Intl 29: 601-7.
Basak S, Ramaswamy HS. 1998. Effect of high pressure pro-
cessing on the texture of selected fruits and vegetables. J
Tex Stud 29: 587-601.
Baxter A, Easton K, Schneebeli K, Whitfield FB. 2005. High
pressure processing of Australian navel orange juices: Sen-
sory analysis and volatile flavor profiling. Innovat Food Sci
Emerg Technol 6: 372-87.
Birla SL, Wang S, Tang J, Fellman JK, Mattinson DS, Lurie
S. 2005. Quality of oranges as influenced by potential radio
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