Image Processing Reference
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8.4 Fuzzy Edge Image Using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relation
The fuzzy edge image visually captures the intensity changes, and the image
can be considered as an image that represents edges in a fuzzy way. This fact
will enable us to better adjust applications where we want to use an edge
detector based on fuzzy edge images. Barrenchea et al. [1] had given an idea
for the generation of fuzzy edges using the interval-valued fuzzy relation. In
the interval-valued fuzzy set, the membership function lies in an interval -
upper bound and lower bound.
Interval-valued fuzzy set : Let L [(0, 1)] denote the set of all subintervals of the
unit interval [0, 1], that is, L [(0, 1)] = {[ x l , x u ]|( x l , x u ) ∈ (0, 1) 2 , x l x u }, and x l and x u are
the lower and upper levels of the interval-valued fuzzy set [1,11], respectively.
Then L [(0, 1)] is a partially ordered set with respect to relation ≤ L , which is
defined as
( x l , x u ) ≤ L ( y l , y u ) if and only if x l y l and x u y u and [ x l , x u ], [ y l , y u ] ∈ L ([0, 1])
( L [(0, 1)], ≤ L ) is a complete lattice with the smallest element 0 L = [0, 0] and the
largest element 1 L = [1, 1].
If U is a universe, the interval-valued fuzzy relation is characterized by
mapping M : U L [(0, 1)].
The membership of each element u i is given as M ( u i ) = [ M l ( u i ), M u ( u i )],
where M u and M l are the upper and lower bounds of the membership range,
The length of the interval is the difference between the upper and lower
To construct an interval-valued fuzzy relation, an interval range is
required. To generate the lower bound of the interval range, the lower con-
structor is used, and likewise, the upper constructor is built from the upper
bound of the interval range.
The lower constructor is built using t -norm and upper constructor using
t -conorm.
A t -norm, T : [0, 1] 2 → [0, 1], is an increasing function such that T (1, x ) = x for
all x ∈ [0, 1]. The three basic t -norms are as follows:
1. The minimum t -norm by Zadeh, T M ( x , y ) = min( x , y )
2. The product t -norm by Bandler and Kohout, T P ( x , y ) = x y
3. Lukasiewicz t -norm, T L ( x , y ) = max( x + y −1, 0)
The associativity extends each t -norm to an n -ary operation by induction and
for each n -tuple { x 1 , x 2 , …, x n } ϵ [0,1] n as in the following:
Tx TTxx Tx xx x
i n
t -Norm, T can take different numbers of arguments.
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