Image Processing Reference
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(a) Abdominal tumour, (b) enhanced image using Dombi t -conorm, (c) enhanced image
(Ensafi), (d) enhanced image with Chaira t -conorm and (e) enhanced image with Hamacher
t -conorm. (Modified from Chaira, T., Contrast enhancement of medical images using Type II
fuzzy set, in Proc. of IEEE on National Conference on Communication , IIT Delhi, India, 1-5, 2013.)
It was created by MathWorks and provides easy matrix (2D) or vector (a 1D
matrix) calculations; plotting of functions, data and graphs; implementing
algorithms; and interfacing with programs in other languages. To mention
a few, it is also used in education such as in teaching linear algebra, numeri-
cal analysis, differential equation, fuzzy mathematics, signal processing and
neural network and is very much popular among scientists involved with
image processing. MATLAB consists of many commands, which directly
compute different matrix operations such as multiplication, transpose, eigen-
values and other functions very quickly. There are many examples available
in the MATLAB Toolbox. The best way to learn MATLAB is to work through
some examples at the computer. MATLAB commands and MATLAB help
are available online. To mention a few, toolboxes on signal processing,
image processing, neural network, fuzzy mathematics and many others are
Image is a 2D matrix, and thus using MATLAB program becomes very
easy instead of writing in C. It performs intensive tasks faster than that of
the traditional programming languages such as C, C++ and FORTRAN.
MATLAB also includes 'for', 'while' loops and 'if-else' commands as in C.
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