Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Butterflies are the most radiant and sought-after of Ecuador's in-
sects. With over 4,500 species, there are many beautiful colors, sizes,
and species-specific aerial dances. The most stunning butterflies are
the blue morphos , with a wingspan as big as an adult hand. Many
travelers find themselves scrambling for the camera upon a first
sighting, but this butterfly is as restless and fast as it is beautiful, and
its electric-blue upper wings fold up to reveal a camera-shy camou-
flaged underside when resting.
Leafcutter Ants
Don't be surprised if you arewalking along a forest pathway and come
upon a micro-parade of leaves moving across the trail. Leafcutter
ants are perhaps the most mesmerizing of the country's commonly
sighted insects. Most people think that humans were the first crea-
tures to develop agriculture on Earth. Ants, however, with their
highly socialized community network, actually precede us bymillions
of years. They are also one of the strongest animals on earth relative
to their body weight. These tropical insects cut and then carry up-
right pieces of leaf several times their own weight. Once at the nest,
which can extend to 40 feet and hold up to three million ants, they
chew the leaf and spit it out to grow a type of fungus for future com-
munity consumption. Their social (biological) hierarchy is relatively
advanced for such a primitive creature.
Ecuador is a haven for the botanist. In less than .02% of
the Earth's surface, it contains 10%of the world's vascular
plant species (25,000), more than all the plant species in
North America combined. These plants' potential utility
for human beings has barely been tapped.
Along the slopes of Ecuador's cloud forestsa are a variety of bromeli-
ads, along with plenty of orchids and moss. These epiphytes are often
found attached to larger host trees, utilizing the anchor to grow up-
ward in a cup-like shape and capture water. Some of the larger spe-
cies can hold over two gallons of water, creating a natural aquarium.
This provides habitat for frogs, insects, and other small animals.
The Ecuadorian orchid family comprises as much as 11% of the
world's total and 30% of Latin America's orchid varieties. Nearly one
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