Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
A Final Word on Education
Of perhaps more importance than simply visiting Ecuador's natural
retreats is a true understanding of how to do so in a responsible man-
ner. The educated traveler plays amajor part in saving the rainforest.
The protection of these precious resources depends on the apprecia-
tion and voices of people who cherish them. Locals already respect
their natural environment, but often they must go against what they
know is right as amatter of survival. They aremore thanwilling to al-
ter their current actions if the tourist dollar sends the proper signals.
The Ecuadorian government will continue to push nature-based tour-
ism as a major source of foreign income, while simultaneously de-
stroying the very areas they promote in the name of “economic
development.” It is up to the traveler to seek out information on re-
sponsible travel, to ask for it, to question outfitters and guides, and to
spread knowledge. If the demand is there, so too will be the supply.
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