Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Due to the variable topography, the weather can vary dramatically.
The moisture-laden Amazon Basin provides ample rainfall along the
lower eastern slopes (of the Eastern Cordillera), even more rainfall
higher along the slopes - where the Andes capture moisture from the
airflow - and relatively little in the higher elevations of the western
slopes. Thus, ecological life zones transition from alpine and páramo
habitat near the higher peaks, down to subtropical rainforests in the
Amazon Basin. At the higher elevations, lichens and bryophytes
characterize the vegetation and fauna such as the puma, mountain
tapir, Andean wolf and guinea pig inhabit the region. There are also
the jaguar, condor and the endangered spectacled bear, as well as
over 500 bird species, some of which are endemic and survive in re-
stricted ranges.
See Adventures on Foot section, page 188, for hiking and climbing op-
portunities in the park. Note that since late 1999 Tungurahua
Volcano (near Baños) has been relatively active after 80 years of
sleeping and, as of this writing, continues to emit steam, gas and ash
intermittently at low levels. Inquire locally about recent develop-
ments, as it will most likely continue to affect not only activities, but
possibly the town of Baños, which was evacuated recently.
Where to Stay
Unless otherwise noted, prices are per room, up to double
occupancy. Some prices are per person, particularly with all-
inclusive packages, but these generally include meals, lodging,
guide services and other amenities.
$........................Under $25
$$$$ ......................Over $100
number of relatively inexpensive hotels line the
streets in Baños. Some places cost as little as $2 per
night and all are close to the center of town. The more ex-
pensive hotels are of much better quality, but, generally,
anything above $15 per night is considered mid-plus range.
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