Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Plaza Bolívar
Poncho Plaza and the market in general in Otavalo is
geared primarily to the foreign traveler and is without
question a tourist trap. For a change of pace, take a stroll
and relax at Plaza Bolívar, on Sucre and García Moreno. It
is much more tranquil, with shaded trees, quiet benches
and locals that aren't caught up in the madness of Poncho
Plaza. The centerpiece is a statue of Rumiñahui, who was
the Incan general under Atahualpa. Rumiñahui was not
only a key figure in the division of the Inca empire and the
main force behind the resistance of the Spanish invasion,
but he symbolizes the proud Otavaleno heritage with their
A couple of museums are worth a visit around town. For local arti-
facts, musical instruments, and ethnographic displays of indigenous
attire, be sure to visit the Otavalo Institute of Anthropology ,lo-
cated on the north side of the Pan-American Highway on Av.
Sarances. It's open Tuesday through Saturday. Also recommended is
the Cezar Vasques Fuller Archeological Museum , at Roca and
Montalvo. Open Monday through Saturday.
Cultural Curiosity
Numerous indigenous villages dot the countryside sur-
rounding Otavalo. The farther away you get from the mar-
ket, the more traditional they become. On a prearranged
tour fromOtavalo you can visit several of these places, chat
with the people in their homes, and watch the work that
goes into the expert traditional craftsmanship that has
been passed down over countless years. Each village is
unique, specializing in a particular product. To watch the
speed, accuracy and skill of the craftsmen is a real treat.
Try to be courteous by asking them directly before taking a
picture, even if your guide says it's okay. These people have
opened up their homes to you. Talk to them and ask them
questions. Interact. You will be amazed at how much they
would prefer to engage than act as sideshows for curious
tourists. Give a little and youwill leave this experience with
at least one smile to remember forever.
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