Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-5. Playback speed and memory usage for various cache modes against Maya Geometry Cache. Measured on
the horseman model, using an Intel Core i7-920 2.67GHz, 16GB RAM, 7200tpm HDD, NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Rendering Caches
The Pixar RenderMan interconnection is a fundamental building block in our uniform geometry pipeline, as a
geometry cache can be used directly as a procedural primitive in RenderMan (see Figure 5-3 ), thus removing the need
for geometry in RIB (RenderMan Interface Bytestream Protocol) files. Cache files are smaller and more flexible than
RIB files. They can also be up to 10x faster to render than RIB files due to fast deserialization and coherent data layout.
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