Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
uint8_t GetOpCode() const;
bool IsFinal() const;
bool IsMasked() const;
A WebSocketMessageHeader will always be at least 16 bits long, so the only data element defined inside the
struct is short_header . Accessing the mask and extended payload lengths or the payload is done with an offset from
&short_header . When I want to parse a header, I simply do this:
WebSocketMessageHeader* header = &buffer[i];
I have found this approach to be very clean; it is generally useful when dealing with structures that do not have a
fixed length or layout.
Messages can be split into multiple fragments. When this happens, the FINAL-FRAGMENT bit will be zero until the
final message. The first fragment will have the opcode indicating either a text ( 0x1 ) or binary ( 0x2 ) message, and the
rest of the fragments will have the opcode of continuation ( 0x0 ).
The protocol supports ping ( 0x9 ) and pong ( 0xA ) messages. When a ping message has a payload, the consequent
pong message must have an identical payload. You are only required to pong the most recent ping if more than one
ping arrives.
A WebSocket Server
Now that the WebSocket protocol is understood, I will describe the high-level design of my WebSocket server. My
server uses three buffers: one for incoming WebSocket data, one for outgoing WebSocket data, and one to store fully
parsed incoming messages. Listing 10-8 shows an outline of the API.
Listing 10-8. Outline of the WebSocket Server API
class WebSocketServer {
int AcceptConnection(TcpListener* listener);
int CloseConnection();
void Update();
int SendTextMessage(const char* msg);
int SendTextMessage(const char* msg, size_t msg_length);
uint64_t PendingMessageCount() const;
void ProcessMessages(OnMessageDelegate del, void* userdata);
void ClearMessages();
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