Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
12.9 RM Through SDLC
Summarizing all the above discussion,
1. During the pre-project phase, we establish a need for the system so that the
project can be approved and a project can be spawned.
2. During the requirements phase, we elicit, and gather requirements, analyze
them and establish the requirements for the project so that software design can
begin and be completed based on the established requirements.
3. During the software design phase. We ensure that all the established require-
ments are included in the software design so that the construction phase could
realize all the requirements.
4. During the software construction phase, we realize all the established
requirements in the software product and implement any and all change
requests received from any of the stakeholders.
5. During the testing phase, we ensure that all requirements are indeed built into
the software product and there are no defects that can be detected through the
planned testing.
6. During the acceptance testing phase, we ensure that all requirements are indeed
met, including the added/modified requirements to the satisfaction of the
customer. The emphasis is on ensuring that all requirements are included and
they are working flawlessly when used as they should be in the software
7. During the installation and commissioning phase, we train the end users to utilize
the software product to accomplish their objectives efficiently. We handhold
them to make them experts in using it to realize their stated requirements,
8. In the design phase, construction phase and testing phase, we also manage the
change requests received in addition to the activities stated above.
That is how we manage the requirements through the software development life
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