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requests received thus far, in design phase itself so that the software construction
team would not be hindered by design changes during construction of the software.
The Requirements traceability matrix would be updated including the refer-
ences from the design document against each of the requirements. If it happens
that any requirement is not having a reference of the design document against it,
it means that the requirement is missed out in the software design of the product.
This action of updating the traceability matrix helps us in uncovering the missing
requirements that have not been taken care of in the design stage. We can then
modify the design to include the missing requirement.
12.5 Construction
Construction of the software product realizes the requirements. In this phase, we
implement the software design. We develop the code and self-test it to ensure that
the functionality as designed is achieved and is as defect-free as humanly possible.
Unit testing, integration testing and system testing are part of the construction phase.
It is very common that the maximum percentage of change requests is received
in this phase. Therefore, implementation of change requests is a major RM activity
of this phase. Additionally, all change requests kept pending for retrofitting into
the product need to be implemented during this phase.
Therefore, in this phase, we perform the activities of realizing the requirements,
implementing the change requests received and updating the requirements trace-
ability matrix to include references to the code against each of the requirements.
12.6 Testing
We carry out software testing with three objectives in mind, namely,
1. To uncover all lurking defects so as to make the product as defect-free as
humanly possible.
2. To ensure that all requirements of the end users and all other stakeholders are
implemented in the project.
3. The resultant software product is robust and is adhering to the design.
The three aspects, critical for the testing activity, are:
1. Test strategy.
2. Test plans.
3. Test cases.
In test strategy, we determine the best way to test the product so that the product
is as thoroughly tested as possible, the cost of testing is minimized and all testing
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