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Figure 4.21: Each group member of the WeSearch system has his own color-coded toolbar, into which
he can enter queries, either by typing on a virtual keyboard or dragging and dropping text from elsewhere
on the display. One such source of reusable text is the marquee, located immediately above the search
box, which displays a slowly-scrolling collection of terms and images from group members recent queries
and webpage views. In addition to retrieving entire webpages, the “clips” button enables users to retrieve
smaller snippets of information, such as images, news articles, or suggested query alternatives, displayed
here in piles above the toolbar.
Figure 4.22: Pressing the “clips” button on a WeSearch browser automatically segments a page into
chunks such as paragraphs, headings, and images, based on the page's DOM. These clips can be removed
from the browser as a means for reducing clutter (by enabling the larger pages to be closed) and for
supporting sensemaking (by enabling users to identify the most relevant content within a page).
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