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HeyStaks Promotions
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Figure 4.1: HeyStaks ( Smythetal. , 2009 ) is a browser plug-in that allows remote collaboration among
groups of users, who can share “starks” of content with people having similar interests.
in the search results for a query, but so are the query terms of collaborators. An example can be seen in
Figure 4.3. Group hit highlighting can serve to help draw the searcher's attention to relevant results
that might not have otherwise been obvious. For instance, in our introductory scenario, when Beth
was searching for information about her sister's asthma, if she had been using a system with group hit
highlighting she might have been made aware of her sister's interest in mold and other household
irritants when terms like “mold” ended up highlighted in her general search results for “asthma
triggers.” Exposure of links Martha had clicked on would further help Beth avoid duplicating effort
her sister had already expended.
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