Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 5.11 Electric conductivity distribution on altitude: dotted line , electronic conductivity; points ,
conductivity of negative ions; dashed line , positive ions; continuous line , total conductivity
n ' .h/e 2
m ' tr ˛ .h/ r 1 C
' .h/ D
tr ' .h/ 2 ;
! H '
tr ' .h/ D K tr ' E
and their sum
tot .h/ D X
' .h/
Index ' corresponds to negative ions, positive ions, or electrons, and K tr ' is a
constant of transfer collisions of particles '.
Distributions of the total and separate conductivities are shown in Fig. 5.11 .
The regular current through media with the calculated total conductivity
(Eq. 5.14 ) creates a regular electric field in the atmosphere, which distribution is
shown in Fig. 5.12 . The quantitative and qualitative agreement with the observations
also confirms the applicability of the model used.
The relaxation time of the charge, appropriate to total conductivity, is defined by
Eq. 5.15 :
4 tot :
q D
It depends on the altitude, varying by many orders of magnitude (Fig. 5.13 ).
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