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The latter circumstance is not convenient, and we eliminate n.a/ by the following
trick. We find the product n.a/ from the condition that the mass flux of the carrier
gas molecules is equal to zero. This condition gives:
n.a/ D ˛n 1
where D p T 1 =T
Substituting Eq. 3.196 into Eq. 3.195 allows for presenting the distribution f s in
the form
f s D f .0/
C f .1 s ;
D n 1 M 1 L 2 .r/ L 2 :
f .0/
This function describes the unperturbed distribution, that is, the carrier gas
molecules distributed in the empty space (no particle or a particle with ˛ D 0).
The function
D ˛n 1 .M M 1 / L 2 .r/ L 2 L 2 .a/ L 2 ı s;1
f .1/
describes the perturbation generated by the heated particle. Here ı ik is the Kroneker
delta and .x/is the Heaviside step function.
The contribution from f .1/ to the mass flux should be zero in the steady state.
This condition is seen to be fulfilled. The function f .1/
contains only outgoing
molecular trajectories.
Now let us find the free molecule heat transfer efficiency. Equation 3.195 gives
Q D 2˛a 2 v 1 kn 1 .T T 1 /
fm .a/ D 2˛a 2 v 1 kn 1 : (3.200)
Here v 1 D p 8kT 1 =m is the thermal velocity of the carrier gas molecules.
To calculate the q -and n profiles we use the equation
L 2 .a/
dL 2
p L 2 .r/ L 2 D 2L.r/D.r/;
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