Geoscience Reference
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Free Molecule Solution
As we already saw, in spherically symmetrical systems the set of variables r;E;L,
is of extreme convenience, with L being the angular momentum of the carrier gas
molecule. In these variables the Boltzmann equation takes an especially simple
@f s
@r D 0;
v r
where v r D .mr/ 1 p L 2 .r/ L 2 is the radial ion velocity, and L 2 .r/ D 2mEr,
s 1 is an auxiliary variable defining the direction of ion motion along the radial
coordinate (s D 1 corresponds to the direction toward the particle).
In the free molecule zone we operate with the mean kinetic energy q.r/,whichis
proportional to the temperature of the carrier gas. Now we give the exact definition
of the values q.r/, the energy flux
.r/, and the number density n.r/:
Z dE Z
m 2 r X
dL 2
p L 2 .r/ L 2 f s .r;E;L/
n.r/ D
m 2 r X
dL 2
p L 2 .r/ L 2 f s .r;E;L/
q.r/ D
s Z EdE Z dL 2 f s .r;E;L/
m 3 X
4 2
Q.r/ D
Here m is the mass of a carrier gas molecule.
The boundary condition
f 1 .a;E;L/ D .1 ˛/f 1 .a;E;L/ C M .E/n.a/ L 2 .a/ L 2 : (3.195)
couples f 1 and f 1 on the particle surface. Here, n.a/ isgivenbyEq. 3.194 at
r D a, ˛ is the energy accommodation coefficient, and the asterisk (*) refers to the
particle surface:
M.E/ D .m=2kT/ 3=2 e E=kT
is the Boltzmann distribution normalized to unity, is a factor providing the equality
of the inward and outward molecular fluxes (will be determined later on), and .x/
is the Heaviside step function. This boundary condition claims that part 1 ˛ of
molecules experiences the mirror reflection from the particle surface whereas part
˛ sticks to the particle surface, acquires its temperature T , and then isotropically
leaves the particle surface. Two points should be emphasized:
1. This boundary condition is linear in f .
2. The function f 1 appears on the right-hand side of the boundary condition.
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