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First-Order Chemical Reaction Inside the Particle
Here we give an example of the function .a/ appearing in Eq. 3.32 . To this end we
consider a steady-state diffusion-reaction kinetics inside the particle. The respective
equation has the form:
D L n L .r/ n L .r/ D 0
Here D L is the diffusivity of the reactant inside the particle, n L .r/ is the reactant
radial profile inside the particle, and is the reaction constant. We use
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ rDa
J D D L @n L
as the boundary condition to Eq. 3.65 . This condition provides the independence of
n L of time. The solution to this equation can be found elsewhere. The result is
4D L a.acoth a 1/:
n.a/ D n D
Next, n
D Hn C
(the Henri law) with H being the dimensionless Henri
constant. Finally we find
4D L aH .a coth a 1/ :
.a/ D
Here D p =D L .
Here we list the results of the present consideration.
The total flux J isgivenbyEq. 3.32 :
˛.a/n 1
1 C ˛.a/ .a/ :
This result is exact and thus does not depend on the approximations done in
calculating the trapping efficiency ˛.a/. The function .a/ is independent of J
in the case of the first-order physicochemical processes at the surface and inside
the particle. In more complicated cases this function depends on J and the total
flux is no longer a linear function of n 1
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