HTML and CSS Reference
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app.controller.favorites = function(){
var _listScroll = null;
this.init = function(){}
The _listScroll instance variable will hold the iScroll object for the favorites
Listing Favorites
The first action/event that you will need to create is the list action. This will list
all of the favorites for the user.
Begin by creating a new action within the favorites controller called list .
var app = app || {};
app.controller = app.controller || {};
app.controller.favorites = function(){
this.list = function(){
The next thing that you will need to do is to grab the favorites from
localStorage . As you saw in the bootstrap file, you created an empty favorites
localStorage property with an empty array. This will allow you to get the
application's favorites without having to check whether the property exists, and
then create it throughout your code. It might be a good idea to create a
localStorage utility to store your data; this won't be covered in this topic, as
you'll only be storing and retrieving localStorage properties in three places in
the application.
var app = app || {};
app.controller = app.controller || {};
app.controller.favorites = function(){
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