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The getController method accepts a string parameter representing the name of
the controller with its namespace. It will split the string into parts using the dot
character (fullstop) and then loop through the separate namespaces, gradually
building it up into an object.
app.bootstrap = (function(){
return {
* Create an accessor for the controller,
* which accepts a string representation of the
* controller's namespace
getController: function(name){
* Split the string into an array using the .
* character to separate the string
var parts = name.split('.');
* Initially set the returned controller to null
var returnController = null;
* If the number of parts is greater than 0
if(parts.length > 0){
* Set the return controller to the parent object
returnController = _controller;
* Loop through each part, gradually assigning the
* action to the return controller
for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){
returnController = returnController[parts[i]];
* Return the controller
return returnController;
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