HTML and CSS Reference
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" name": " Dave",
"occupation": " General Manager"
With JSONP, this data become inaccessible, due to the method used to create
the request.
With an Ajax request, you send the request and create a callback method as an
event listener. With JSONP, you actually embed the request as a <script /> in
the web page. As part of the script source, you will append a callback method.
The resulting HTML looks like the following code snippet.
<script src=""
This will load the script, the web service will wrap the result in the method, and
the response will look like the following.
"name": "Dave",
"occupation": " General Manager"
The showProfile function will then be executed with the data as its parameter.
Creating a JSONP request can be a laborious task, and one which jsonp.js can
handle for you.
Begin by creating a new JavaScript file called jsonp.js within js/app/utility/ .
Add the following code.
var app = app || {};
app.utility = app.utility || {};
app.utility.jsonp = function(url, callbackmethod){
* Create a new _src variable to append the callback param to the url
var _src = url + '&callback=' + callbackmethod;
* Create the script element
var _script = document.createElement('script');
* Set the source of the script element to be the same as the one specified
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