HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-12. jQuery Mobile (left), and Sencha Touch (right)
XUI is targeted specifically for mobile and provides a jQuery-like syntax with
lightweight DOM manipulation, simple API abstraction for making and
processing Ajax requests, and performs basic JavaScript-based animation. It
has a plugin architecture much like jQuery, so you can extend XUI to suit your
needs and create additional plugins for your project.
jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch are both heavyweights, in the sense that they
can provide not just an abstraction from what you might call ''vanilla
JavaScript,'' but also a framework from which you can easily build mobile web
jQuery mobile can help you to rapidly prototype projects and then skin them
further on down the line. Its UI relies on Plain Old Simple HTML (POSH). The
POSH is then enhanced with CSS and JavaScript. jQuery works on both phone-
and tablet-based devices through the use of CSS media queries to alter layout.
Sencha Touch offers a much more complex and fully featured development
methodology. You do not write cards or pages in HTML. Instead, you configure
each page and provide content through JavaScript. Sencha Touch offers lots of
UI enhancements and widgets including the ability to store data offline and
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