Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 2.8  Schematic and application of a twin star topology
Fig. 2.9  Schematic and application of a linear bus topology
Fig. 2.10  Schematic and application of a hybrid technology
Hybrid Topology
The hybrid topology is a combination of linear bus and single star (Fig. 2.10 ).
This technology combines the advantage and disadvantage of both topologies.
The baud rate can be up to 1 Mbaud and the maximum length of the wire can be
smaller than that in the other solutions. However, the cost for this topology is higher
than for the others.
Network Propagation Delay
The calculation of the network propagation delay (Fig. 2.11 ) in a network is neces-
sary to guarantee a reliable arbitration. If more than one node starts to transmit a
message, the higher ID will win the arbitration phase.
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