Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6.7  General test method according to the ISO 9646
CAN Data Link Layer Conformance Testing
The CAN Conformance Test plan is described in the ISO 16845. It provides the
methodology and abstract test suite necessary for checking the conformance of any
CAN implementation specified in ISO 11898-1.
The empirical findings in this area have proven that additional efforts are needed
in order to obtain a better test coverage. Therefore, C&S Group had extended the
ISO CAN Data Link Layer (DLL) Conformance Tests, based on the experience
gained while having performed such tests for many emulated and silicon CAN
implementations. Due to the fact that the extended tests include the standard tests,
the extended CAN Conformance Tests can be looked at as a super set of the ISO
standard, giving a much greater certainty that a CAN device under test meets its
standard specification requirements.
Architecture and Implementation of the Test Environment
The test system is implemented based on the architecture described in the ISO 964,
presented in the preceding sections.
The test platform presented in Fig. 6.7 consists of the “SUT”, usually a micro-
controller evaluation system running a specific software module named UT . The
UT is normally embedded in a microcontroller and it is linked to the stand-alone
CAN implementation (IUT). In case that the CAN implementation is integrated on
a microcontroller, the microcontroller will be used as UT host. The Underlying Ser-
vice Provider consists of the CAN receive (CAN RX) and CAN transmit (CAN TX)
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