Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.54  Selective wake-up of a control unit from partial network mode
Engineering samples of the ELMOS device E520.13 have been available since
middle of 2010 and have been tested by various vehicle manufacturers and automo-
tive suppliers since then. Automotive qualification of the device will be finalized in
2012, while the first in-vehicle series application is assumed for 2014.
Pretended Networking—the Microcontroller Approach
Is Power Saving Possible with a Microcontroller?
Is power saving possible with a microcontroller? Since several years, microcon-
trollers do contain power-saving features. The power modes have been introduced,
due to the fact that several ECUs continue to run, in a parked vehicle. For example,
the XC2000/XE166, including the MultiCAN module, is having the so-called Idle-
instruction, as its ancestors have, including its well-known grandfather the C167.
The idle instruction allows switching off the clock supply of the central processing
unit (CPU) and recovering the clock by an interrupt within one cycle. Since several
years, all modules can be switched on-off and a cyclic wake-up can be performed
by the real-time clock (RTC) or the standard timer module (STM).
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