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downregulated in either of the deletion strains, andMMS-dependent transcrip-
tional induction of checkpoint, repair, and INO80 subunit genes was largely
unaffected in the mutant strains. 101
Outside the scope of this review, INO80 has been shown to bind to origins of
replication and be important for the recovery of stalled replication forks. 102-104
It has also been implicated in regulation of telomeres 105 and in NER of some
loci following UV exposure. 106
The first connection between INO80 and DNA repair was made when an
ino80 strain was found to be sensitive to a number of DNA-damaging agents.
Sensitivity was greatest to HU and MMS but also occurred following treatment
with UV and IR. 94 Deletion of the nonessential subunits arp5 or arp8 resulted
in sensitivity to MMS and HU, and hypomorphic arp4 alleles displayed sensi-
tivity to MMS. 97,101,107,108 Given the lack of transcriptional misregulation
of repair and checkpoint genes in INO80 complex mutants, this prompted
investigation of whether INO80 has a direct role in DNA repair.
D. The Role of INO80 in DSBR
As for RSC, a direct role of INO80 in DSBR was indicated by its recruit-
ment to DSBs. Using the HO system to generate a persistent DSB, accumu-
lation of INO80 at a break was monitored over time by ChIP. Some recruitment
of the Ino80 catalytic subunits Arp5 and Arp8 could be detected 30 min after
break induction, but enrichment continued to increase at least up to
4h. 101,108,109 In addition, Rvb1, present in both INO80 and SWR1 complexes,
was enriched adjacent to the break 45 min after break induction and Arp4,
present in both INO80 and NuA4 complexes, was enriched at the break after
2h. 108 Further analysis of the recruitment of INO80 revealed spreading of the
complex over a region of approximately 10 kb on either side of the break after
4 h, but was greatest in the immediate vicinity of the break. 107,109 Accumula-
tion of INO80 was also detected after 2 h at an HO-induced DSB elsewhere
in the genome, although the profile of enrichment differed from that found at
the MAT locus in that it was relatively uniform across the 5 kb adjacent to
the break. 107
Unlike rsc mutants, phosphorylation of H2A S129 appears to be broadly
unaffected in ino80 complex mutants. At 2 h following HO break formation,
when INO80 is significantly enriched near the break, H2A phosphorylation was
similar to WT levels as measured by ChIP in ino80 , arp5 , arp8 , and nhp10
deletion strains, and levels detected in Western blots after a 2-h treatment with
MMS were unaffected in ino80 , arp8 , and nhp10 strains. 101,107,109,110 However,
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