Graphics Programs Reference
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Total Ink Limit: The total percentage of all inks used for output, usually
in the CMYK process. Using four colored inks all printing at 100 percent,
the total ink limits would be 400 percent. This amount of total ink is
rarely possible and thus, printers usually will provide preferred total ink
they like to run on press, and this can be used when specifying a color
separation. Total Ink Limits are sometimes referred to as TAC or Total
Area Coverage.
Transmissive: The property of light passing through some media like light
passing through a color transparency. A transmissive light box is a back-
lit light that allows light to pass through a transparent media.
Tristimulus: Describes how any primary color can be described in terms
of three values or stimuli. To be totally accurate, tristimulus values are
based upon the three standard primaries X,Y, and Z, defined by the CIE.
UCR: Under Color Removal. A process whereby colored inks, usually
CMY, are replaced with black ink in the color separation. UCR replaces
CMY inks in neutrals and areas with the correct corresponding amount
of black ink. See also Gray Component Replacement .
Vector data: A shape, such as a font or similar element made on a com-
puter system, which is simply a mathematical representation of that
shape. See also Bitmap data and RIP .
Wavelength: The distance between two similar points of a wave and in
the context of color management, usually a description of electromag-
netic radiation.
Web press: A printing press that uses large rolls of paper, known as webs,
to print large quantities of output. See also Sheetfed (press) .
White Point: The color of white a device creates or reproduces.
Working space: A color space specifically optimized for editing images in
a product like Photoshop. Working spaces like Adobe RGB (1998) are
well behaved, synthetic, mathematical spaces that are ideal for image
Work flow: A catch-all term used to describe the various steps and
processes to produce a finished process.
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