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will be able to get back to making pictures and do it better than they ever
have. And nothing will ever make digital imaging obsolete.
“Black oaks, spring,
Yosemite, California 1993”
©2004 Joseph Holmes.
Greg Gorman
It was difficult for me decide what to write about Greg Gorman. What
can you say in mere print about a body of photographic work that spans
30 years and represents some of the finest portrait work of our time? His
technique is flawless. His images are not only ravishing but show an
incredible sensitivity to his subjects. I am always surprised he is able to
capture this caliber of imagery considering that many of the people he
has to photograph must have enormous, wide gamut egos. Greg is totally
a hands-on guy, meaning whether he's shooting in the studio or on loca-
tion, or working in his digital darkroom, he's doing the work himself. Of
course he has numerous assistants. Greg works with one of the most
amazing retouchers in the world, a man named Robb Carr. Greg could
sit back and let others process his raw files or print his images. He'll have
none of that!
Greg controls the entire show even when it comes to color-managing
his pipeline. Greg picks up these technical processes and techniques at
an amazing pace yet he's not a color geek. All the photo and electronic
tools are simply a vehicle for producing work that meets his unique
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