Graphics Programs Reference
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proof with this profile. Notice a pop-up menu called Rendering
Intent , where you can see the effect of the various rendering
intents on the preview. Choose Relative Colorimetric . You will
notice a significant difference in the spectral gradient seen
toward the top of the Printer_Test_File.tif image. Toggle the
preview check box on and off to see that this is greatly affected
by this profile, yet the rest of the image doesn't appear to change
quite so radically. Here we can see where a real image compared
to a synthetic document differs in evaluating profiles and
rendering intents.
4. Pick the Perceptual rendering intent and notice the differences
in the image. I see what appears to be a slight density change in
addition to some differences in saturated colors between the two
rendering intents. The woman's red shirt shows the most
significant change between the two rendering intents in the
actual image portion of this document. Which do you prefer?
5. Try using the Saturation intent and see how it affects the solid
colors seen above the hand holding the balls image. If you wish
to zoom into this image at 100% while the Proof Setup dialog
is still open, simply hold down the Space Bar and either the
Command/Control key to zoom in or the Option/Alt key to
zoom out.
It is often useful to zoom into areas of an image at 100%
magnification to see how the intents really affect the colors in
the document. Hold down just the Space Bar to toggle to the
hand tool to move about the image while the Proof Setup
dialog is still open.
6. You can also try using the Absolute Colorimetric intent but
you'll see this isn't the right intent to use and will produce
rather unattractive results! This intent is used for proofing and in
this conversion it simply isn't the right option. When finished
viewing this document, click the Cancel button.
Once again, the best rendering intent will depend on the output profile
and the image being converted. Profiles know nothing about the image
content nor do they have any degree of taste. Choosing the best render-
ing intent is something you need to pick, so use the rendering intent that
you prefer based on the soft proof.
Tutorial #4: RGB Working Space
This tutorial is designed to allow you to see the effect of the various RGB
working spaces on documents all the way to an output device (your
own). You will need the Working Space Test file ( WorkingSpaceTest-
File.tif ) supplied on the CD and an output device of your choice. Ideally,
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