Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2-30 Print with
Preview in Photoshop CS2
with the Color Handling
set to Let Printer
Determine Colors and the
Proof radio button turned
on to produce a three-way
conversion. The Printer
Profile pop-up menu is
grayed out since the
assumption is that the
printer driver will apply a
print/output profile. Not all
drivers can handle this
kind of color management
so be sure to check before
using this method.
the currently configured Proof Setup . That is, if I had Proof Setup set to U.S.
Web Coated (SWOP) v2, the values seen in the info palette when set to
Proof Color are based upon this ICC no matter the color space of the
current document. The only indication that Proof Color is set in the info
palette is if the font for the color model is italic. I could have Proof Color
selected in the info palette and be under the impression that I'm getting
the numeric values of my Adobe RGB (1998) document. In fact I'm
getting numeric values based upon the color space of the output device.
The setting called Actual Color is usually what you want selected in the
info palette. If you do set one of the reads-out to Proof Color , be sure you
are aware of the values being provided.
Working by the Numbers
A few words about working by the numbers. In the “old days,” we would
hear people say that they work by the numbers. Some Photoshop users
swear they can color correct and prepare images for output, usually press,
on a Grayscale monitor. Why worry about calibrated displays? Just aim
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