Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 12.1 CAD system main features. The pictures with red contours are related to investigation
features, the pictures with orange contours are related to follow-up features, the pictures with blue
contours are related to tracking feature
provide features related to follow-up or knowledge management that are key factors
in the assistance of physicians during the diagnosis.
The current trend of the research in this field is the development of CAD systems
assembled as packages, associated with some specific imaging modalities such as
digital mammography, CT, and MRI, and implemented as a part of PACS (Picture
Archiving and Communication Systems). For example, one of the potential advan-
tages in packaging a CAD in the PACS environment is the comparison between
images and related measured data acquired in different times (follow-up). Another
potential advantage is the use of similar cases in practical clinical situations: a unique
database that includes a large number of cases which can be used as a tool for find-
ing cases similar to an unknown one (knowledge management). In that sense, a first
result for MSD application is the RheumaSCORE software [ 18 ], a specific CAD for
RA, a rheumatic disease.
12.3 Main Functionalities of a CAD System
CAD is a computerized analysis method to obtain quantitative measurements from
medical images along with clinical information to give clinicians and radiologists
support to more objectively assess the clinical state of a patient. The basic technolo-
gies involved in CAD systems are (Fig. 12.1 ):
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