Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1.8 Joint representation
1.6.3 Stress and Contact Analysis
The different tissue mechanical behavior should be modelled especially concerning
the biphasic aspect of cartilages. The physical deformation of 3D models could be
inspired by cutting-edge cloth simulation research [ 35 - 37 , 83 ] where there have
been great advances in the efficient and physical simulation of colliding deformable
surfaces. To perform stress simulation, tetrahedral meshes are required and current
techniques (e.g. [ 61 ]) to get such meshes are not well designed for thin structures
like cartilages. They tend to produce a too high number of tetrahedral elements so we
should apply and improve on recent more effective techniques [ 84 ]. In comparison
with a recent work [ 38 ], we should provide a physical representation that can be used
for simulation to yield better insights for analysis.
1.7 Validation and Evaluation Methodology for 3D Patient
Clinical validation and evaluation will play an important role in the future [ 85 - 87 ].
Firstly, we shall emphasize the use of patient data for modeling and simulation as
initial inputs which will substantially increase the realism of the 3D patient model
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