Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 23
California: Wind Farms Retrospective
Arne Jaeger
Angerbenden 23, 40489 Düsseldorf, Germany
In the aspiring global wind power industry today there is hardly
a topic that does not deal with, or at least mention, one particular
event in wind power history: The great Californian Wind Rush.
It may sound a bit like the old wild west times and the thrilling
gold rush that everyone wanted to enjoy—and it was.
Backed by a huge package of incentives, the first large wind
farm development began in California in the early 1980s. What
followed was an unprecedented rush for wind turbines. This
rush changed some pieces of landscapes from abandoned and
seemingly worthless places to wildly popular points-of-interests
companies fought for. Within a couple of years lonely rolling hills
and flat desert terrains were dotted with thousands of diferent
units quickly whirling away. Wind turbines with two blades, three
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