Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
At Mors the local production of windmills was replaced by
ten 75 kW Vestas windmills, which were at that time the biggest
in the market. This was the first wind farm in Denmark to be
organised as a cooperative. The project was activated and supported
financially by the Steering Committee for Renewable Energy and
the Ministry of Industry. It was important to demonstrate that
profit making, which more and more was occupying the souls,
could be rivalled by something diferent.
Figure 7.35
Vestas 17/75 kW wind turbines on the South-West Mors Wind
The Blacksmiths' Heritage
When the Folkecenter for Renewable Energy was established in
1983, the direct engagement of the Blacksmiths' Association in the
design and development of wind turbines was passed on to the
Folkecenter. This was how the president, Frits Sørensen, wanted it
to be. From this time on, the design of new types of wind turbines
was intensified and professionalised. It was no longer work to be
done in people's living rooms.
As this was a period when the entire wind power sector was
expanding vigorously, many enterprises joined the bandwagon
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